Speaker: Lourdes E. Soto de Laurido, Ed.D, MPHE
Acting Dean
Research Institute for Global Health Promotion and Health Education (IIPESAG)
University of Puerto Rico, School of Health Professions, Medical Sciences Campus
This seminar is part of the CRTC Career Development Seminar Series. The Career Development Seminar Series offers periodic workshops and presentations open to all trainees, faculty and staff on professional development, best practices, resources and guidelines pertaining to research.
To start the 2023-24 year, we will be joined by Dr.Lourdes E. Soto de Laurido from the University of Puerto Rico Health Science Campus where she currently serves as the Acting Dean of the School of Health Professions along with being a professor and researcher on the Medical Campus. With an impressive background and extensive experience, Dr. Soto de Laurido will share her expertise in navigating her career growth and personal advancement as a mentor and career coach where she spends much of her time. She is active in raising awareness of the importance of equity working as a mentor for junior faculty and junior researchers in health disparities, and development of the translational research in the health sciences; her emphasis is on Hispanic populations in the US and global health organizations.
- In Person – Moore Auditorium
- To register for a zoom link, contact Mary Katherine Townsend at marykatherine@wustl.edu