This page features a list of current research-related funding announcements for early stage investigators.
Note: For announcements that allow for only one investigator per organization, please check with Washington University Internal Competitions.
- The Doris Duke Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists Program (DDFRCS) at Washington University in St. Louis was developed to provide innovative institutional solutions to reduce faculty attrition by assisting junior faculty facing extraprofessional demands. The DDRCS provides broad-based education to raise awareness and implement new interventions, as well as resources and mentoring to support junior faculty facing extraprofessional challenges.
- Children’s Discovery Institute
The Washington University Department of Alumni and Development keeps a database of current Private Funding Opportunities. The following list are foundations/grants that specifically focus on Career Development Awards:
Department of Defense:
Prostate Cancer Early Investigator Research Award
DARPA: Young Faculty Award
National Science Foundation:
Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER)
The NIH has announced a set of loan repayment programs to support qualified scientific researchers by mitigating the burdens of student loan debt. The programs will repay up to $70,000 of student loan debt over the course of a two-year contract. For more information, visit the NIH’s FAQ and NIH Extramural Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs).
- Washington University’s LEAP Inventor Challenge is soliciting applications from Washington University researchers who want to make the leap from bench scientists to budding entrepreneurs. The program was initiated by the Vice Chancellor for Research to support faculty in translational studies not normally supported by federal grants. Faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are eligible to apply.
The Office of Technology Management (OTM) will award individual grants of up to $75,000, and research selected for funding must be completed within a year.
The application process involves two stages, and this year, for the first time, investigators can designate team members to attend workshops and provide assistance throughout the competition. - Crowd Funding
- Global Giving
- The Foundation Directory
- Global Health Corps provide various one-year paid fellowship positions with high impact NGOs and government organizations in Burundi, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, United States and Zambia.