KL2 Alumni, Cynthia Rogers highlighted for her research linking breast milk to significant early brain growth in preemies

Cynthia Rogers, MD, Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry, KL2 and MTPCI alumni, was highlighted in the record for her work linking breast milk to significant early brain growth in preemies. The study was also covered on CBS News. Feeding premature babies mostly breast milk during the first month of life appears to spur more robust brain growth, […]

KL2’s Attend 2016 Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) Meeting

The Annual ACTS Meeting was held April 13-15, 2016 in Washington DC and attended this year by 7 Washington University KL2 scholars, 6 of whom presented posters. This conference was developed to bring together all of the disciplines involved in clinical and translational research, for the shared benefits of networking and education.  The meeting is held […]

TL1 Predoctoral Scholars Attend 2016 National Translational Science Conference

April 13th through 15th, twelve TL1 students, descended on Washington, DC for the 2016 Translational Science Conference hosted by the Association for Clinical and Translational Science and the American Federation for Medical Research. All attendees had either an oral or poster presentation or both. Conference events also included a network dinner with students from other […]

Entrepreneurial Biomedical Training Options

The CRTC, working in conjunction with the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship, has developed several new training opportunities for students interested in translation of medicine through entrepreneurial endeavors.

10th Annual Research Training Symposium and Poster Session

The 10th annual medical center-wide Research Training Symposium and Poster Session took place on October 22nd. The symposium featured a keynote speaker, oral presentations, and poster sessions showcasing research projects performed by junior faculty, fellows, and students in research training programs throughout Washington University School of Medicine. Over 30 training programs were represented during the […]

Cynthia Rogers, KL2 Alumni, studies how Premature birth appears to weaken brain connections​

Babies born prematurely face an increased risk of neurological and psychiatric problems that may be due to weakened connections in brain networks linked to attention, communication and the processing of emotions, according to new School of Medicine research led by Cynthia Rogers, MD, Assistant Professor of Child Psychiatry, KL2 and MTPCI alumni. Read more in […]