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David T. Curiel, MD, PhD

Distinguished Professor of Radiation Oncology

Department: Radiation Oncology

Division: Biologic Therapeutics Center

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases
KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

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Gautam Dantas, PhD

Professor of Pathology and Immunology

Department: Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases
KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

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Nicholas O. Davidson, MD, DSc

John E. and Adeline Simon Professor of Medicine and Developmental Biology

Department: Medicine

Division: Gastroenterology

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)
KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

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Victor G. Davila-Roman, MD, FACC, FASE

Professor of Medicine


Leadership Role(s):
Director, K12 Mentored Training in Implementation Science

Department: Medicine

Division: Cardiovascular

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)
KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

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Jorge Di Paola, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Pediatrics

Division: Hematology & Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

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Michael S. Diamond, MD, PhD

Herbert S Gasser Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases
KL2 Career Development Award

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John DiPersio, MD, PhD

Virginia E & Sam J Golman Professor of Medicine

Leadership Role(s):
Co-Director, Paul Calabresi K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Department: Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)

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Gerald Dorn II, MD

Philip and Sima K Needleman Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Pharmacogenomics

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

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Nico Dosenbach, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Neurology

Department:  Neurology

Division:  Pediatric Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

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Joseph D Dougherty, PhD

Professor of Genetics

Department:  Genetics

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award