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Michael Avidan, MBBCh

Dr. Rose T. Brown Professor and Head of Anesthesiology

Department: Anesthesiology

Division: Anesthesiology and Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

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Leonard Bacharier, MD

Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine

Department: Pediatrics

Division: Allergy, Immunology and Pulmonary Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)

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Megan Baldridge, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine

Division: Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)
T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Thomas J Baranski, MD, PhD

Thomas J Baranski, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine and Developmental Biology

Leadership Role(s): Office of Training Grants

Department: Internal Medicine

Division: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

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Deanna Barch, PhD

Chair and Professor of Psychological & Brain Sciences

Professor of Radiology

Department: Psychological & Brain Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

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Robert Barrack, MD

C & J Knight Distinguished Professor of Ortho Surg

Department: Orthopaedic Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)

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Randall Bateman, MD

Charles F and Joanne Knight Distinguished Professor of Neurology

Director of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU)

Department: Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)

John Beals, PhD

John Beals, PhD

Instructor in Medicine, Department of Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences

Research keywords: metabolism, exercise, muscle, sleep, liver

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Jeffrey J Bednarski, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology Co-Director, Pediatric Translational Immunology Program Researcher, Developmental Biology

Department:  Pediatrics

Division:  Hematology and Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Kevin M Bennett, PhD

Kevin M Bennett, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology

Research keywords: imaging, MRI, kidney, physiology, and metabolism

Bennett Lab