Below is a list of currently approved CRTC mentors. Faculty who are interested in mentoring summer students in the ASPIRE program should contact the CRTC via email

You may also select an unlisted mentor, pending approval from your program. To find a mentor, select a program from the Mentors by Program dropdown below.

Showing: All results

Valene Garr Barry, PhD


Department: Obstetrics and Gynecology

Division:  Center for Reproductive Health Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

The Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (PRIDE R25)

Research keywords: disparities, pregnancy, fetal growth, preeclampsia, wearable technology, remote monitoring

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Andrew Gelman, PhD

Professor of Surgery

Department: Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Elvin Geng, MD, MPH

Professor of Medicine

Leadership Role(s):
Co-Director, K12 Mentored Training in Implementation Science

Department: Medicine

Division: Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
KL2 Career Development Award
K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Guy Genin

Harold and Kathleen Faught Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Department:  Engineering

Division:  Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Robert W. Gereau, PhD

Dr Seymour and Rose T Brown Professor of Anesthesiology

Department: Anesthesiology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

William Gillanders, MD

Professor of Surgery, Vice Chair for Research

Department: Surgery

Division: Endocrine Oncologic Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Daniel E Goldbert, MD, PhD

David M. and Paula L. Kipnis Distinguished Professor, Departments of Medicine and Molecular Microbiology

Department: Medicine

Division:  Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Jeffrey Gordon, MD

Dr Robert J Glaser Distinguished University Professor

Department: Pathology & Immunology

Division: Laboratory & Genomic Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Mae Gordon, PhD

Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Professor of Biostatistics

Department: Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Division: Biostatistics

Mentor for Program(s):

Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Ramaswamy Govindan, MD

Professor of Medicine

Leadership, Coursemaster

Leadership Role(s):
Director, Paul Calabresi K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Department: Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Obi Griffith, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Perry Grigsby, MD, MS, MBA

Professor of Radiation Oncology

Department: Radiation Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Richard A Grucza, PhD, MPE

Research Professor

Department:  Health & Behavior

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Farshid Guilak, PhD

Mildred B. Simon Research Professor of Orthopedic Surgery

Department:  Orthopaedic Surgery

Division:  Orthopaedic Research

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Christina Gurnett, MD, PhD

A. Ernest and Jane G. Stein Professor of Developmental Neurology

Department:  Neurology

Division:  Pediatric and Developmental Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Developmental Award

Alexandra Gutierrez, MD, MPH

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Gastroenterology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)


Debra L. Haire-Joshu, PhD

Joyce Wood Professor of Public Health

Department: Social Work

Division: Public Health Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Dennis E. Hallahan, MD

Elizabeth H and James S McDonnell III Distinguished Professor of Medicine

Professor of Radiation Oncology

Department: Radiation Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)
K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Simon Haroutounian, PhD, MSCI

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Department: Anesthesiology

Division: Clinical Research

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)


Sarah Hartz, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Department:  Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Mary K Hastings, PT, DPT, MSCI, ATC

Professor of Physical Therapy and Orthopaedic Surgery

Research keywords: physical therapy, rehabilitation, diabetes, foot, and ankle

William Hawkins, MD

Professor of Surgery

Department: Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Robert Hayashi, MD

Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Pediatrics

Division: Hematology and Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Andrew C Heath, DPhil

Spencer T. Olin Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Professor of Genetics

Department:  Psychiatry

Division:  Biology and Biomedical Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Jeffrey Henderson, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)
T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Cynthia Herrick, MD, FACP

Co-Director, WU Transgender Center, Associate Professor of Medicine

Leadership Role(s):  Co-Director, WU Transgender Center

Department: Medicine

Division:  Endocrinology, Metabolism & Lipid Research

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)

Tamara G. Hershey, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry

Department: Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)
K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder
KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Michael J. Holtzman, MD

Selma and Herman Seldin Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Richard S. Hotchkiss, MD

Professor of Anesthesiology

Department: Anesthesiology

Division: Basic Science

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Scott J Hultgren, PhD

Helen L. Stoever Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Department:  Molecular Microbiology

Division:  Biology and Biomedical Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Benjamin D. Humphreys, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Nephrology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

David A Hunstad, MD

Division Chief, Infectious Diseases Professor, Infectious Diseases Professor, Molecular Microbiology

Leadership Role(s):  Division Chief, Infectious Diseases

Department:  Pediatrics

Division:  Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Laura Ibanez, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor of Psychiatry

Department: Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Miriam Jacome-Sosa, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences

Research keywords: nutrition, metabolism, obesity, lifestyle interventions, and the Latino population

Kenton Johnston, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division:  General Medicine and Geriatrics

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Peggy L Kendall, MD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Allergy and Immunology

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Dineo Khabele, MD

Mitchell & Elaine Yanow Professor and Chair of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Leadership Role(s):
Co-Director, Paul Calabresi K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology

Division: Gynecologic Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology
KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Shabaana A Khader, PhD

Professor of Molecular Microbiology

Department:  Molecular Microbiology

Division:  Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Brad Khal, MD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)


Evan D Kharasch, MD, PhD

Russell D. and Mary B. Shelden Professor of Anesthesiology and Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

Leadership Role(s):  Director of the Anesthesiology Department’s Division of Clinical and Translational Research

Department:  Anesthesiology

Division:  Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)



Alfred Kim, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Department:  Medicine

Division:  Rheumatology

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Brian Kim, MD

Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Anesthesiology, Pathology and Immunology

Department: Internal Medicine

Division: Dermatology

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Michael Kinch, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics

Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Allison King, MD, MPH, PhD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Occupational Therapy

Leadership Role(s):
Co-Director, K12 Mentored Training in Implementation Science

Department: Occupational Therapy

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program


Robyn S. Klein, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases
KL2 Career Development Award

Samuel Klein, MD

William H. Danforth Professor of Medicine and Nutritional Science

Department: Medicine

Division: Geriatrics & Nutritional Science

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Marin Kollef, MD, FACP, FCCP

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Pulmonary & Critical Care

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)



Paul T Kotzbauer, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurology

Department:  Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Matthew W Kreuter, PhD, MPH

Kahn Family Professor of Public Health and Senior Scientist, Health Communication Research Laboratory, Brown School

Department:  Public Health

Division:  Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Devesha Kulkarni, PhD

Assistant Professor in the Division of Gastroenterology

Research keywords: immunology, microbiome research, intestinal immune responses, metabolic health, and obesity


Hrishikesh S Kulkarni, MD, MSCI

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Department:  Internal Medicine

Division:  Pulmonary and Critical Care

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Sebla B Kutluay, PhD

Assistant Professor, Molecular Microbiology, School of Medicine

Department:  Molecular Microbiology

Division:  Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Jennie H. Kwon, DO, MSCI

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Infectious Diseases

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Catherine Lang, PT, PhD, FAPTA

Professor of Physical Therapy

Department: Physical Therapy

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Kory Lavine, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Cardiovascular

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Jin-Moo Lee, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurology

Department: Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Daniel Lenihan, MD

Department: Internal Medicine

Division: Cardiovascular

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Deborah J Lenschow, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine, Professor of Molecular Microbiology, Professor of Pathology and Immunology

Department:  Pathology and Immunology

Division:  Rheumatology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Eric J. Lenze, MD

Professor of Psychiatry

Department: Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Eric Leuthardt, MD

Professor of Neurological Surgery

Department: Neurosurgery

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Timothy Ley, MD

Lewis T & Rosalind B Apple Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
K12 Career Development Program in Clinical Oncology
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Min Lian, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine

Department:  Medicine

Division:  General Medical Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

David Limbrick, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurological Surgery

Department: Neurosurgery

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Daniel Link, MD

Alan A & Edith L Wolff Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Mauricio Lisker-Melman, MD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division:  Gastroenterology

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)

Kim Liss, MD

Instructor in Pediatrics – GI

Research keywords: liver transplantation, acute liver injury, ischemia reperfusion injury, steatotic liver disease

Irfan Lodhi, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Department of Medicine

Division: Endocrinology, Metabolism & Lipid Research

Mentor for Program(s):

The Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (PRIDE R25)

Research keywords: Obesity, diabetes, adipose tissue, thermogenesis, lipid metabolism


Carolina Lopez, PhD

Professor of Molecular Microbiology & BJC Investigator

Department:  Molecular Microbiology

Division:  Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases

Joan L. Luby, MD

Samuel and Mae S. Ludwig Professor of Child Psychiatry

Department: Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Douglas Luke, PhD

Professor of Public Health

Department: Social Work

Division: Public Health Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program
K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder
K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Cynthia Ma, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Susan MacKinnon, MD

Syd M & Robt H Shoenberg Professor of Plastic Surgery

Department: Surgery

Division: Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Pamela A Madden, PhD

Professor of Psychiatry

Department:  Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology
K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Tessa Madden, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology

Division: Family Planning

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Michael B Major, PhD

Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology, Professor of Otolaryngology, Alan A and Edith L Wolff Distinguished Professor

Department:  Cell Biology and Physiology

Division:  Biology and Biomedical Sciences

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Mark Manary, MD

Helene B Roberson Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Pediatrics

Division: Emergency Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Amit Mathur, MD, MRCP

Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Pediatrics

Division: Newborn Medicine

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Colleen McNicholas, DO, MSCI

Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology

Division: Specialty Gynecology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Amy McQueen, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Leadership Role(s):
Director, MSCI


General Medicine and Geriatrics

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Gretchen Meyer, PhD

Associate Professor

Department: Physical Therapy

Division:   Physical Therapy, Neurology, and Orthopaedical Surgery

Mentor for Program(s):

The Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (PRIDE R25)

Research keywords: Muscle Physiology, Regeneration, Tissue Cross-talk

Integrative Muscle Physiology

Jeff Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO

Professor of Radiation Oncology

Department: Radiation Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program for Clinical Oncology

Timothy Miller, MD, PhD

Clayson Professor of Neurology

Department: Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Jeffrey Millman , PhD

Professor of Medicine and Biomedical Engineering

Department: Medicine

Division: Endocrinology, Metabolism & Lipid Research

Mentor for Program(s):

The Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (PRIDE R25)

Research keywords: stem cells, diabetes, regenerative medicine, disease modeling, biomedical engineering

Millman Lab

Robi Mitra, PhD

Alvin Goldfarb Distinguished Professor of Computational Biology

Department:  Genetics

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)

Bettina Mittendorfer, PhD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Internal Medicine

Division: Geriatrics and Nutritional Science

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award
TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Bettina Mittendorfer, PhD

Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Instructor, Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Sciences

Research keywords: metabolism, obesity, ageing, insulin sensitivity, and beta-cell function

John Morris, MD

Professor of Neurology

Department: Neurology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Sandip Mukherjee, PhD

Instructor of Medicine, Division of Nutritional Science and Obesity

Research keywords: obesity, diabetes, fatty liver diseases, adipose tissue, liver

David Mutch, MD

Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology

Division: Oncology

Mentor for Program(s):

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation (MSCI)
Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Indira U Mysorekar, PhD

James P Crane Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Professor of Pathology and Immunology, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Leadership Role(s):  Director, Center for Reproductive Health Sciences

Department:  Obstetrics and Gynecology

Mentor for Program(s):

T32 Training Program in Infectious Diseases


Elliot C Nelson, MD

Professor of Psychiatry

Department:  Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

K12 Career Development Program in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder

Rodney Newberry, MD

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: Gastroenterology

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Jason Newland, MD,MEd

Professor of Pediatrics

Department: Pediatrics

Division: Infectious Disease

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Ginger Nicol, MD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry (Child)

Department:  Psychiatry

Mentor for Program(s):

Short-Term Research Experience Program to Unlock Potential (STEP UP R25)

Natalie Niemi, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department: School of Medicine

Division: Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics

Mentor for Program(s):

Summer Program for the Advancement of Research Relevant NIDDK (SPARK) (STEP UP R25)

The Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program in Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (PRIDE R25)

Research keywords: mitochondria, metabolism, phosphorylation, signaling, and mitophagy

The Niemi Lab


Dolores Njoku, MD

Vice Chair; Chief of Pediatric Anesthesiology; Anesthesiologist-in-Chief at St. Louis Children’s Hospital; Professor of Anesthesiology, Pathology and Immunology

Research keywords: liver, immunology, drug-induced, NASH

Kenan R Omurtag, MD

Chief, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Associate Fellowship Director, Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Associate Professor, OBGYN

Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology

Division: Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility

Mentor for Program(s):

Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI)

Ben Palanca, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Anesthesiology

Department: Anesthesiology

Division: Non Clinical Operations – Research

Mentor for Program(s):

TL1 Predoctoral Program
TL1 Postdoctoral Program

Gary J Patti, PhD

Michael and Tana Powell Professor

Department:  Chemistry

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award

Philip Payne, PhD, FACMI

Professor of Medicine

Department: Medicine

Division: General Medicine & Geriatrics

Mentor for Program(s):

KL2 Career Development Award