Didactic Coursework and Seminars
There are multiple courses and seminars available to scholars that will assist in preparing the scholar for a future career in DEM research. One academic course each semester is recommended, but not required. All 2nd year scholars will be required to present their research for formal feedback at a Nutrition and Obesity Research Center (NORC) or Diabetes Research Center (DRC) Seminar. All scholars will be required to attend the national meeting for all PRIDE programs.
Professional Effort
PRIDE scholars are expected to devote 75% of their full-time effort to the training and clinical research activities of the PRIDE program. Scholars’ remaining effort may be devoted to other clinical or academic pursuits consistent with the award. NIH policy requires that the remainder of a scholar’s wages (the portion NOT paid by the PRIDE Program) must come from non-federal sources.
Scholars will have a mentoring team that consists of their primary research mentor, a career development mentor that consists of one of the PRIDE Directors, a member of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) core, and a near-peer mentor from another WashU graduate program.
For their primary research mentor, scholars will identify and select 3 -4 mentors and their respective research projects from an existing list of WashU pre-approved mentors. PRIDE Leadership will match scholars and their primary research mentor based on research interests.
Mentor Selection & Required Training
All scholars will be required to identify a WashU mentor and conduct research on-site during the duration of the program. Prior to conducting research on campus, scholars will be required to complete the following:
- CITI and HIPAA training online through WashU
- IRB or IACUC approval (as required)
- Environmental Health and Safety and Lab Safety training
Research Education Program
Scholars will:
- Develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) in consultation with their mentoring team. All IDPs should include:
- Individual development goals for the next 1 – 3 years
- Career objectives for each goal – for each objective, the scholar should indicate what individual products (publications, presentations, etc.) are expected
- Research activities and projects that will assist the scholar in meeting the objectives
- An overview of courses, workshops, and other educational/training activities that the scholar plans to pursue
- A timeline should also be constructed to display the individual objectives, educational activities, research activities, and products
- Participate in the Fundamentals of DEM Research Seminar Series
- Complete an independent research program which results in at least one publication
- Complete a medical and/or graduate school preparation program which culminates in an application and acceptance into a doctoral program
Grant Citations
PRIDE Scholars are to acknowledge the receipt of PRIDE grant support in all publications, biosketches, and other support documents. Each program has unique requirements for citing grants.
Learn more about grant citation requirements >>
PRIDE Annual Meeting
Each year a meeting of all PRIDE programs is hosted. This meeting presents an exceptional opportunity to meet and interact with key clinical research leaders from the NIH, to hear and read about DEM research at other PRIDE-awarded institutions, to network with scholars and leaders from across the nation, and to form collaborative partnerships in DEM research. Scholars will be required to attend.
Program Evaluations
Scholars are expected to complete all required program evaluations. These evaluations are administered online and are mandatory for all scholars.
Applying to Graduate or Medical School
All second-year scholars will be required to meet with the Associate Dean of Graduate Education and Executive Director of the Medical Scientist Training Program to discuss methods used in student evaluation, crafting personal statements, and evaluating graduate programs. All scholars will prepare a doctoral program application. Those interested in pursuing an MD, PhD must apply to an MD-PhD granting medical school within two years of beginning PRIDE.
CONTACT US! We want to hear from you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the program. Email us at crtc@wustl.edu.