The Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation provides multidisciplinary clinical and translational research training to promote the career development of junior faculty and postdoctoral fellows by helping them become clinical and translational researchers.
Program information
Through didactic coursework, structured mentorship, and interactions with a diverse peer group of trainees, the Postdoctoral MTPCI enables Scholars to learn how to:
- Develop effective research projects
- Utilize human subjects in clinical trials
- Collect, analyze, and summarize data
- Apply epidemiologic principles and tools
- Consider relevant ethical and legal issues
- Write grants and manuscripts
- Compete for research funding
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Program benefits
- Protected research time: A minimum of 60% protected time must be guaranteed by each MTPCI scholar’s department. Surgeons may only be allowed 50% protected research time.
- Tuition: Participation in the Clinical Research Training Center (CRTC) MTPCI may count toward the requirements of the NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP).
- Clinical Research Training Center: MTPCI scholars have access to the Clinical Research Training Center. The CRTC provides computer labs, break-out rooms, a classroom, poster printing, and administrative office suites.
Contact us
We want to hear from you. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the program.
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