The following are links to online materials and courses administrators and junior clinical investigators may find useful.

WashU Resources

Career Development Seminars

Click on the links below to view videos for the following development sessions:

Bernard-Becker Library Resources

Genomics and the Era of Personalized Medicine Lectures

*Digital Commons@Becker requires access from a WashU computer or via VPN

Program for the Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Science and Scholarship (PERCSS)

Program for the Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Science and Scholarship (PERCSS) The PERCSS Core Curriculum, developed by WashU, features eight web-based learning modules in areas related to ethical and responsible conduct of research issues.

Research Career Development Program for Research Professionals

Workshop Sessions (WUSTL Box): All sessions are recorded and available in WUSTLBox. You must make a one time request to Jesseca Leggett at for access.

Recommended Books

Book recommendations from Dr. Tim Bono during the Career Development Seminar on August 25, 2020.

  • Happiness 101 by Tim Bono
  • The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
  • Psychological Wealth by Ed Diener
  • The Mindful Way through Depression by J. Mark G. Williams
  • The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
Dissemination & Implementation Research

At WashU, investigators from a wide range of disciplines come together to create leading-edge ideas in Dissemination & Implementation.

External resources


Data Management for Clinical Research offered by Vanderbilt University »
Learn critical concepts and practical methods to support research data planning, collection, storage and dissemination.

Digital Scholar Training Initiative »
Learn to use social media and other digital resources to keep up on what others are doing, spread the word about your research efforts, and final funding resources. Source: University of Southern California

Biomedical & Life Sciences

The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection »
Over 2,500 specially commissioned, online, multi-media lectures, presented by world leading experts, including Nobel, Lasker and Breakthrough prize winners.
Available to WashU students, faculty, and staff through the WUSTL license.


Institute for Digital Research and Education at University of California – Los Angeles »
Compare standard statistical software packages (SAS, SPSS, R, etc.), review frequently asked questions, determine which statistical test is the correct one to use.


Written Communication from Northwestern University »
Video guidance is provided on best practices for writing several key scientific writing skills including sentence and paragraph construction, specific aims, meeting abstracts, tables and much more.

Clinical and Translational Science

NIH Clinical & Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Program »
Education and training is a key component of the CTSA mission.

Conducting Clinical Research

NIH “Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research” (IPPCR) Course »
This non-credit baring course is provided online by the National Institutes of Health and will be of interest to physicians, scientists, medical students, nurses, public health professionals, and all other health professionals planning a career in clinical research. Registration is free.

  • Runs online annually October to March.
  • Textbook is available online for free from Becker Library.
  • Questions about the course can be directed to Daniel McAnally at
  • Questions about the WashU remote site can be emailed to

Harvard Catalyst “Fundamentals of Clinical and Translational Research (FaCToR)” Course »
FaCToR offers an overview of the concepts of clinical/translational research through the dynamic and interactive medium of online learning. As a selected participant of this online course, you will learn about the spectrum of clinical and translational research from first-in-human studies to healthcare interventions implemented on a population level. No fee for CTSA members.

Young Scientist Survival Kit »
Curated collection of videos on career and professional development, covering topics such as how to succeed in science and careers outside the lab.

Society for Clinical Research Excellence (SOCRA) »
This Learning Module is intended to encourage the reader to maintain an understanding of current activities involved in the conduct of research involving human subjects.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) »

AHRQ-Sponsored Continuing Education Activities »
Free continuing education events in the areas of comparative effectiveness, quality and patient safety, and prevention/care management.

AHRQ Curriculum Tools »
Tools that health care professionals can use to make care safer and improve their communication and teamwork skills.


American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) » 
The ASCP provides an online program titled Training Residents in Genomics(TRIG). With NIH providing approximately $1.3 million in funding over five years, this grant has allowed the TRIG Working Group to create workshops and courses to further assist residency programs in educating their trainees in genomic pathology. Materials can be obtained free of charge with registration.


Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Compact »
The Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors is intended to initiate discussions at the local and national levels about the postdoctoral appointee-mentor relationship and the commitments necessary for a high quality postdoctoral training experience. The Compact was drafted by the AAMC Group on Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) and its Postdoctorate Committee, and it is modeled on the AAMC Compact Between Resident Physicians and Their Teachers.

University of Madison Curriculum »
This website provides resources to improve research mentoring relationships, including curricula, assessment tools and resources relevant for mentors and mentees, as well as those who would like to implement mentor training.

Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research »
Provides resources for organizations and institutions to improve research mentoring relationships.


Patient Centered Outcomes Research

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) » 
PCORI’s continuing medical education/continuing education (CME/CE) activities are designed to provide accredited professional education for clinicians in areas pertinent to patient-centered outcomes research and clinical knowledge. Any member of the healthcare community may access the activities at no cost.

Public Health

American Public Health Association (APHA) »
Webinars available on public health topics such as: health equity, environmental impacts on public health, health care reform, the impact of racism on health, safe guarding communities from harmful chemicals.

Rigor and Reproducibility

NIH Videos »
NIH developed four video modules with accompanying discussion materials that focus on integral components of reproducibility and rigor in the research endeavor, such as bias, blinding, and exclusion criteria. These modules are intended only to stimulate conversation, which may be facilitated by the use of the discussion materials, and are not meant to be comprehensive training modules. They may serve as a foundation upon which to build further education, training, and discussion.

Team Science

Team Science at Northwestern University »
Solutions to complex problems in the sciences require teams of specialists from diverse backgrounds working across the boundaries of disciplinary silos. These online learning modules are grounded in empirical research and theory about the Science of Team Science (SciTS), and the experts interviewed are well-published in that domain. The four modules are intended to help researchers acquire and apply a basic knowledge of Team Science.